Rainbow Bright TherapiesWomen's Wellbeing
Reflexology, Reiki, Crystals and Essential Oils
in Wokingham, Berkshire

Reiki Attunement. reikiattunement

Reiki Attunements

Reiki as a natural healing modality, a way of activating inner stillness to begin a connection to self that cultivates an inner knowing of kindness, unconditional love and compassion.

Reiki is a lifelong journey which brings an understanding of self, the world around us and a holistic sense of wellbeing, supporting our mind, body and soul.

Reiki attunemements at level I, II and Master -

Reiki I 'Shoden', the first teachings where we will awaken your connection to self -
•connect to your soul, your true essence energy
•connect you with your feminine flow
•reveal how your energy is intrinsically connected to nature, the moon, the seasons
•open & activate your innate and intuitive healing powers
•develop compassion towards self and others

Reiki II 'Okuden', the inner teachings to strengthen your inner knowing -
•deepen your connection to Reiki
•allow you to share Reiki with others
•expand your intuition
•explore distant healing
•attune to Reiki symbols

Reiki Master – 'Shinpiden' the Mystery Teachings to align & awaken your magic -
•step into a deeper embodiment to Reiki
•develop a richer connection to Reiki
•attune to the Reiki Master symbol
•enable you to teach should you wish

During each Reiki level you receive your own Reiki manual and certificate, a full Reiki treatment, meditation designed to attune to that level, exploration of how Reiki connects you to your feminine energy and suggested crystals & essential oils to support your Reiki journey.
Reiki I & Reiki II are both taught over a day, Reiki Master is split over 2 days.

Reiki I investment is £125
Reiki II investment is £175
Reiki Master investment is £350

Reiki I dates - Tuesday 25th June 9.30am - 2.30pm

Reiki II dates - Thursday 27th June 9.30am - 2.30pm

Reiki Master by appointment (2 day course)


Please get in touch to discuss alternative dates to suit you.


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