Rainbow Bright TherapiesWomen's Wellbeing
Reflexology, Reiki, Crystals and Essential Oils
in Wokingham, Berkshire

Reflexology, Reiki & Feminine Energy Healing. FootMap


Reflexology £50

Reflexology is a natural therapy; involving application of pressure to the feet (or hands) with specific thumb & finger techniques to encourage your body to work naturally to restore its own healthy balance from within by removing energy blockages, releasing tensions and stimulating circulation.

The reflexes on the feet are connected to specific organs and systems within the body. As a holistic therapy, the body is viewed as an integrated organism of many parts, all of which must function correctly if the others are to do their job.

Reflexology does not attempt to diagnose illness but assesses imbalances (dis-ease) and encourage the body's own healing energy to achieve balance. The whole foot will be worked on and any areas which require further stimulation will be focused on.
It is designed to support your body stimulate its own self-healing.

I am also qualified to support women in their journey to and through motherhood with reflexology.
You may need support with fertility, relaxation, pregnancy aches and pains, labour support - your treatment will be tailored to focus specifically on your needs.

Lifestyle and environmental advice, which can be made to support your fertility journey can also be incorporated within the plan.
Reflexology is a wonderful treatment to support you in managing these (I can say that from personal experience!).

From 37 weeks on the treatment plan can be adapted to incorporate specific reflex points to support labour, this is not necessarily about inducing labour but rather preparing the body for labour - both emotionally and physically.

Reflexology can support your healing process, especially within the first few months following the birth, as post-natally women often feel huge hormonal, emotional and physical changes take place

If you feeling out of kilter, don't know why or what about, let your feet reveal the answer, find the sore spot, work it out. Eunice D Ingham, 'Mother' of Reflexology.


Reflexology, Reiki & Feminine Energy Healing. chakra

Reiki with Crystals

Reiki £50

Reiki is a form of energy healing.

The word Reiki comes from the Japanese word ray-key meaning universal life energy.

The treatment involves gently laying the hands in a series of non-intrusive specific points on or near the body.
There is no massage or manipulation.

Reiki works with your Charka's, your energy centres.

Chakra is the Sanskrit word for wheel – what we want is to visualise our Chakra's, our energy centres, gently spinning – this is your energy at balance. But life is not that straight forward! So our Chakra's become imbalanced and the energy becomes stagnant or they can be over stimulated.

Depending on what has caused the imbalance will relate to how the feeling (emotion) or physical dis-ease occurs and manifests itself.

You remain fully clothed, so wear whatever you feel comfortable in.

The whole person is treated, rather than just a specific area to restore harmony.
You may feel warm or tingly sensations during the treatment or you may have an emotional response, these reactions indicate a shift in energy is taking place.

Therefore, may be beneficial during times of stress, overwhelm, emotional upheaval, throughout pregnancy or when suffering a terminal illness.

Crystals are living beings and generate a vibrational frequency, just like all living things do.
The energy the crystals hold come from the earth.
This makes them the ideal tool to support us to shift energy and to balance our energy when our day to day lives or significant life events disrupt this energy flow.

Incorporating crystals and/or essential oils in to a Reiki treatment amplifies the shift in energy.
By placing the stones at specific places on the body, namely the Chakras and using the oils aromatically we are changing your energy frequency and vibration.

I pick and work with crystals intuitively or by specifically selecting them for their unique properties to connect to your energy.

Reiki principles
Just for today do not worry,
Just for today do not anger,
Honour your parents, teachers and elders,
Earn your living honestly,
Show gratitude to every living thing.

Reiki and Reflexology 

75 minutes £65

Combine Reiki and Reflexology together as each treatment compliments the other.

We start with Reiki & Crystals, to support your energy to re-align, to clear the Chakras. We then go into a Reflexology treatment which allows us to continue to focus on your whole self, ensuring we support the root cause of imbalance at every level. 


Womb Space Energy Healing

Womb Space Energy Healing £50

The session will include a guided breathwork visualisation, essential oils, crystals & energy healing to balance and harmonise the energetic flow within the Womb.


This energy healing session enables you to take time to focus on your Womb space which is the centre of your feminine energy.

It is designed to provide a safe space for emotional and energetic release. It allows you to process & release stored emotions and energetic imbalances, which can affect overall well-being.


It will support you to reconnect to your feminine power, creativity, and intuition. By honouring the womb as a sacred space, we can tap into our innate wisdom, reclaim our authentic selves, and live in alignment with our values and desires.


These practices aim to release energetic blockages, restore vitality, and promote a sense of wholeness.


The session will be totally bespoke to you, whatever stage of your physical cycle you are at, regardless of whether you have a physical womb or not - we are working energetically.

The session is approx 1 hour

Reflexology, Reiki & Feminine Energy Healing. newlogo

Working together Holistically

All treatment plans are as individual as each woman that I work with.
We take into consideration YOU as the unique, entire woman that you are and work together from there.

We have the option to add essential oils, crystals, visualisation and breath work depending on your needs.

We will go through a consultation so I can understand your wants and needs before we agree on your bespoke treatment plan (which can include alternating between Reflexology and Reiki/Energy Healing).

Holistic treatments work with your body's natural healing efforts it can support you in many ways including (but not exhaustive!) -

  • relaxation/stress management
  • deeper connection to self
  • reconnection to your feminine energy
  • improved circulation
  • balancing hormones (linked to fertility, menstruation & menopause)
  • stimulation of the immune system and of the lymphatic system
  • increased energy
  • easing tension
  • encouraging energy flow
  • pain management and
  • ultimately a well-balanced mind, body and spirit.


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